DJ for your birthday party in Berlin

Not only at weddings are DJs indispensable. Especially at milestone birthdays, one does not want to leave the music selection to chance. We are professional DJs and have been dedicated to the task of providing our clients and their guests with a wonderful evening for over 20 years.

We draw on an extensive, carefully curated music archive and are not only familiar with music from our own generation. On the contrary, songs from the 70s and 80s as well as Rock'n'Roll from the 50s and 60s are also part of our repertoire. However, ultimately our own taste in music is incidental. As service providers, it is our mission to play the favorite music of our clients and their guests.

As birthday DJs, our passion lies in providing the perfect music for birthday parties. A successful birthday party depends crucially on the right music. Therefore, as a birthday DJ, I always strive to fulfill the music wishes of our clients and make the evening unforgettable.

Our range as birthday DJs extends from current charts to timeless classics to offer something for every audience. Thanks to our experience as birthday DJs, we can always keep the audience on the dance floor and make the evening an unforgettable experience.

In addition to our musical skills as birthday DJs, we are also masters at mixing and crafting transitions to ensure a seamless and varied music selection. As birthday DJs, we continuously work to ensure that guests feel comfortable and can enjoy the evening to the fullest.

As birthday DJs, we are ready to enrich every birthday party with suitable music. Contact us as your birthday DJs and let us together make your next birthday an unforgettable experience!

Musik für alle Geschmäcker

We'll make your birthday party legendary!

  • An extensive plan ensures you can enjoy a relaxed celebration where every musical nuance is considered.

  • As your reliable partner, we handle all musical arrangements so you can focus on celebrating.

  • With a repertoire of over 50,000 songs, we offer variety to suit every musical taste, guaranteeing satisfied guests.

  • Our passion for music is palpable and elevates the atmosphere, creating an unforgettable celebration.

  • Reading the crowd and adjusting music to their preferences are our main tasks. Our years of experience ensure we delight your guests.

  • Music is at the heart of every legendary party we create. You can trust us to make your celebration a musical highlight.

  • Thousands of satisfied guests have experienced our musical magic. Positive feedback motivates our pursuit of excellence.

  • We cater to your guests' music requests and adapt the music to create the perfect party atmosphere.

  • In the unlikely event of a DJ failure, a backup DJ is always ready to keep the party going and ensure top-notch musical entertainment.

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Für eure Geburtstagsfeier bieten wir folgende Pakete an:


  • 5 hours of playtime
  • Custom Music Concepts
  • DJ equipment (digital mixer turntable setup, MacBook Pro)
  • Coordination with the venue
  • Including arrival and departure (Berlin)


  • 8 hours of playtime
  • Custom Music Concepts
  • Sound system for up to 120 people
  • Large LED dance floor lighting
  • DJ equipment (digital mixer turntable setup, MacBook Pro)
  • wireless microphone
  • Coordination with the venue
  • Including arrival and departure (Berlin and surrounding area)
  • + Deluxe- Light
  • Personal consultation


  • 8 hours of playtime
  • Custom Music Concepts
  • Sound system for OVER 120 people
  • Large LED dance floor lighting
  • DJ equipment (digital mixer turntable setup, MacBook Pro)
  • wireless microphone
  • Coordination with the venue
  • Including arrival and departure (Berlin and surrounding area)
  • + Premium- Licht
  • Personal consultation
  • Bose outdoor battery speakers
Hier geht es zu unseren Google Bewertungen:
Google DJ

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    Bei Nutzung des Kontaktformulars erheben wir personenbezogene Daten nur in dem von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Umfang. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse nutzen wir nur zur Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage. Anschließend werden Ihre Daten gelöscht.
    • DJs with Passion

    • Personal Consultation and Support

    • 20+ Years of Experience

    • Custom Music Concepts

    • All Genres & Requests

    • Professional Sound and Lighting Technology

    Unvergessenes EventDie gelungene Hochzeit